
Words of Wisdom for Kamala Harris from Political and Comedy Legends


As Kamala Harris continues her journey in American politics, she stands as a trailblazer, having made history as the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first South Asian American to hold the office of Vice President of the United States. Along the way, she has faced an immense amount of scrutiny, challenges, and expectations that come with breaking these barriers. With the 2024 election on the horizon, many have offered Harris advice—some serious, some comedic—that reflects both the weight of her role and the nature of public life in politics.

1. Barack Obama: “Stay True to Your Vision”

Former President Barack Obama, who also broke barriers as the nation’s first Black president, has been vocal in his support for Harris. His advice to her is simple yet profound: stay true to her vision and the principles that brought her to where she is. Obama has always emphasized that political leaders should prioritize their core beliefs, reminding Harris that leadership is about serving the people and making decisions based on long-term impact, not short-term political gains.

In speeches and behind closed doors, Obama has praised Harris’s leadership style and her ability to connect with diverse communities. His wisdom, built from eight years of navigating the White House, offers Harris a path forward in maintaining her authenticity even in the face of opposition.

2. Hillary Clinton: “Know That You’re Stronger Than They Say You Are”

Hillary Clinton, a woman who knows all too well the challenges of being a powerful woman in politics, has shared invaluable insights with Harris. Clinton’s candidacy for president in 2016 shattered glass ceilings, but she also faced some of the harshest criticism any candidate has ever endured. Clinton’s advice to Harris is to understand that her strength and resilience are much greater than what the critics say.

Clinton has publicly stated that women in politics often face unfair standards, especially when they seek the highest offices. But she encourages Harris to focus on the impact she can make rather than the noise from detractors. Clinton’s own experiences offer a lesson in perseverance, something Harris may need as the spotlight on her continues to intensify.

3. Joe Biden: “It’s All About Relationships”

As President Joe Biden’s second-in-command, Kamala Harris has built a unique partnership with him. Biden’s decades of experience in the Senate and as vice president offer her a wealth of wisdom, and his advice often centers around the importance of building relationships. Whether it’s across the aisle or within her own party, Biden’s leadership style has always prioritized cooperation and coalition-building.

He reminds Harris that politics is deeply personal, and the relationships she nurtures with other lawmakers and key stakeholders will determine her ability to effect change. Harris has already shown a remarkable ability to connect with people from all walks of life, but Biden’s advice underscores the importance of maintaining those connections in a world where political division often feels insurmountable.

4. Comedy Legends: “Laughter Is Key”

As serious as politics can be, humor has always played a crucial role in coping with the pressures of public office. Comedy legends like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Stephen Colbert have also offered Kamala Harris advice—albeit with a comedic twist.

Tina Fey, who famously portrayed Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live,” has highlighted the importance of keeping a sense of humor through it all. Fey joked in an interview that Harris should always remember that “the ability to laugh at yourself will save your sanity in this business.” Poehler, known for her role as the eternally optimistic Leslie Knope on “Parks and Recreation,” echoed this sentiment, saying that finding joy in small victories is crucial to maintaining a positive outlook in an often negative environment.

Stephen Colbert, the late-night host known for blending comedy with politics, also gave Harris advice during an appearance on his show: “Don’t forget to smile, and always know when to deliver the punchline.” While Colbert’s words were delivered with his signature wit, there’s an element of truth in his message. Humor, when used effectively, can humanize politicians and help them connect with voters on a deeper level.

5. Maya Angelou: “Stand Tall, No Matter What”

Though Maya Angelou passed away before Kamala Harris rose to national prominence, the legendary poet and civil rights activist’s words still resonate with her journey. Angelou’s iconic poem “Still I Rise” speaks to the resilience of women, particularly women of color, who face adversity and oppression but continue to rise above it. In many ways, Harris embodies the spirit of Angelou’s work, standing tall in the face of adversity.

Angelou’s message to Harris, were she still with us, would likely be a continuation of the empowering words she shared with generations of women: “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.” Harris, like many women in leadership, has faced her share of challenges, but her continued ascent in politics reflects a determination to keep rising.

6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “Fight for the Things You Care About”

The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg once said, “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” Ginsburg’s legacy as a trailblazer for women’s rights and equality mirrors the path that Kamala Harris has walked. Ginsburg’s advice underscores the importance of advocacy and coalition-building, and it’s advice that Harris has followed throughout her career.

Whether it was as a district attorney, attorney general, senator, or vice president, Harris has fought for what she believes is right, from criminal justice reform to women’s rights. Ginsburg’s words of wisdom remind Harris that her fight is not only necessary but that it can also inspire others to stand alongside her.

7. Michelle Obama: “When They Go Low, We Go High”

Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s famous phrase has become a guiding principle for many in public life. For Kamala Harris, this advice is particularly meaningful. Harris has faced criticism and attacks throughout her career, often based on her gender and race. Obama’s message to rise above the negativity and remain focused on the mission is one that Harris has embodied.

Obama’s advice speaks to the broader challenges of being a woman of color in politics, and her message of resilience, grace, and strength in the face of adversity is one that Harris has taken to heart. When the attacks come, Harris continues to move forward, focusing on her goals and vision for the country.

Conclusion: Words to Lead By

Kamala Harris, as a history-making figure in American politics, continues to navigate her role with wisdom gleaned from those who came before her and those who share her journey. From the serious advice of political giants to the lighter-hearted counsel of comedy legends, the words of wisdom offered to Harris serve as reminders of the complexities of leadership—and the power of perseverance. As she steps forward in the 2024 election, these voices will undoubtedly influence how she leads, navigates challenges, and makes her mark on history.

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