Roy Kent Ted Lasso Christmas Ornament


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Apr 19

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Apr 20 - Apr 23

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Apr 25 - May 03

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SKU: BC-27845 Category: Tag:


Roy Kent Ted Lasso Ornament christmas,Ted Lasso ornament, Roy Kent christmas ornamnen Pint on Double Side

Take the field with beloved football star, Roy Kent Ted Lasso this holiday season with our 2021 Christmas Ornament. This ornament is designed and crafted exclusively for the Meadow n’ Stream and has a traditional shape and an engraved team logo on the front!

The talented players of the FC Barcelona soccer team have become international superstars in recent years. This ornament features forward Roy Kent, whose goalkeeping helped lead the team to their fourth Champions Cup this year.

Decorated in his official tuxedo, this ornament of Ted Lasso is sure to be a hit with fans of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

This ornament depicts Ted Lasso with his partner “Shemp” Frank Nelson. Ted was the plucky host of the television show “Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before.”

  • The product is made from MDF Plywood.
  • All the molds will be put into 3.3×3.3 inches plastic sheet for cutting.
  • The product is perforated and comes with twinkle thread.
  • 2-Sided White MDF Ornament
Roy Kent Ted Lasso Christmas Ornament 1
Roy Kent Ted Lasso Christmas Ornament